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Our ministries are tailored to administer truth, healing, peace and direction to situations and circumstances that are not typically dealt with over the pulpit. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony.

Revelations 12:11a


Founded on prayer, Faith to Faith meets every Monday  and Wednesday at 7pm for corporate prayer believing that if we ask it will be given; if we seek, we will find; if we knock, it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7



Music is an integral part of our service. Our worship experience is our intimate expression to God through songs of praise, thanksgiving and declaration. "Every chance we get, we PRAISE HIM!" 

Burst into songs of joy together.

Isaiah 52:9a


Sisters of every nationality meet every third Saturday in Sicklerville, NJ and every fourth Saturday in Pleasantville and Atlantic City, NJ to cultivate strength, maturity, spiritual growth, self esteem, encouragement, spiritual awareness and Sisterhood. 

Come reconnect with who you are by God's design to promote living life as a whole expression of worship. 

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” Luke 1:45



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​Every couple has a story—

a unique collection of  dramatic episodes, colorful chapters, and soft snapshots that gives their marriage definition and character according to God's purpose and design. LoveStrong, endeavors to help you keep the pages turning and continue living your love story. 

LoveStrong is a married couples ministry that provides support, encouragement, and spiritual enrichment through quarterly gatherings. Many waters cannot 

quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. Song of Solomon 8:7​

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A program that provides teenagers a path to leadership through clear communication. 
The “Speak Up” path begins with one speech. They learn to tell their stories, listen and answer, give and accept feedback, plan, facilitate and lead.

BOLT (Believing Our Lives Transform)
A children’s ministry that provides a solid foundation of biblical discovery and development through fun, practical teaching that connects children to God and others.  

© 2016 Faith to Faith Fellowship Ministries. Proudly created with

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